Sunday, February 27, 2011

big for a kid

I was thinking that if I do not want to forget my password and user name,I could take a post it note and stick it to the side of the laptop then I wont forget! But then my mom told me what if it gets into the WRONG HANDS AND THEN MY BLOG WILL PERISH!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Magic Tree House - Hour of the Olympics

Hour of the Olympics
By: Mary Pope Osborne
Number of pages: 70

If you were a character in the story who would you be? Why?

If I were a character in this story I would be Jack because he gets to watch the Olympics. He also gets to ride on a Pegasus and see the stars forming the shape of a Pegasus!
I'd like to see the foot racers in soldier armor. I would also like to ride a Pegasus because it sounds like fun!

Mrs. W's response:
May be you could do a little research on Pegasus!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


By: SP (true story)

Today I went to play in the snow. One hill was so big if you take a step you will be BURIED! After we dug out, me and my brother made a HUGE HILL! We sled on it. Then we had a snowball fight. Later we went home. My Mom got a bucket of snow. I made a snow man. Then we put it on a plat and slid it outside.

Mrs. W's response:
Fun! I'd like to hear more about your two snow days you had off!