Tuesday, May 24, 2011

diffrent things at school

I think that spring break and winter break should be longer like summer break.

you should be able to sit where ever you want in the lunch room.
you should not share food ever because some one might be allergic to what you have.

Monday, May 23, 2011

I am a Teacher!

I am going to give my Mom some lessons on roller blading and piano. Each class costs $0.10, but the first one is free. If she wants, she can take me out for some ice cream, give me fanta slushies, brownies or two candies instead. I hope she doesn't fall and I hope I learn how to go faster soon even though I can already go fast.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


All April it was horrible weather
it could have been better.
I got to go outside one day
I was angry until it was May.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Going to the Beach!

This story is dedicated to my family.

One sunny, summer day my brother, my Dad, my Kaka and me decided to go to the beach! My brother and I jumped out of the bed and quickly got ready. When we got there, my brother found my cousins. After I found them we went to the water. The sand in the water took me back to the shore. It was pushing me and my Dad. So, we had a push back to shore. We changed clothes when we got very wet. We stopped when my brother and I did not know that we had spare clothes. We stayed there till evening. I was really happy that we got to stay at the beach because we had never ever been to the beach. We were so happy that we could have blown up! When we came back, we were exhausted.