Saturday, October 8, 2011

Nature and Me

This post is about me and nature together.

The living tree

Me on a tree

Fun at the park

Go  fast squirrel

Where are your leaves?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Vinegar Balloon Experiment

My Mom gave me a bottle of vinegar. I took Ishu's balloon and put a little baking soda in it.Then, I put the balloon on the mouth of the bottle and pushed it up straight so all the baking soda drops in the vinegar. The balloon started blowing up. It only blew up a quarter of the full length because there was not a lot of vinegar in the bottle. Then, I put water in it and a little more baking soda and a tiny bit salt, but it flopped down. Since the vinegar is acid and I put baking soda in it, it makes gas. So, when there is too much, it tries to escape. Then, it goes in the balloon and inflates it. I wonder if I am ever going to do it again?